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学术报告五:Semistable Vector Bundles on Rational Homogeneous spaces

时间:2024-01-25 10:10

主讲人 方馨怡 博士 讲座时间 2024年1月25日15:00-15:50
讲座地点 汇文楼1420 实际会议时间日 25
实际会议时间年月 2024.1

十大正规网投信誉平台学术报告[2024] 005号


报告题目: Semistable Vector Bundles on Rational Homogeneous spaces

报告人:方馨怡 博士



报告内容:In the last decades, there has been a growing body of research on the stability of vector bundles on projective varieties. In this talk, I will introduce the crucial concept of stability of holomorphic vector bundles over P^n. In particular, the Grauert-Mulich-Barth theorem on projective spaces will be recalled. Furthermore, I will talk about the generalized Grauert-Mulich-Barth theorem on rational homogeneous spaces. This is based on a joint work with Rong Du and Yun Gao.

报告人简介:方馨怡博士,现于南京大学数学系从事博士后研究。研究方向为复几何,代数几何。论文成果发表在Math. Nachr,Asian J. Math,Forum Math,.Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 等杂志。


